Whether you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, or someone who is simply feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life, there are healthy and effective ways to decrease stress and achieve relaxation. One such way is through self-compassion. Self-compassion involves treating oneself with kindness and understanding when facing difficulties in life, rather than harshly criticising oneself in times of need.
The Benefits of Self Compassion
Self-compassion has been linked to a number of positive outcomes. Studies have found that those who practice self-compassion tend to experience better physical health outcomes, better sleep patterns, increased resilience to stressors, greater psychological well-being and more satisfaction with life overall. So it stands to reason that those who practice self-compassion will also generally feel more relaxed than those who do not.
How To Practice Self Compassion
Practicing self-compassion can be done in several different ways. The first step is to become aware of how you speak to yourself when you encounter difficult situations or make mistakes. Do you berate yourself? Are your words harsh and critical? If so, it’s time to start speaking kindly to yourself instead. Say kind things out loud or write them down in a journal as reminders that you are worthy of love and respect just like everyone else.
Another way to practice self-compassion is by engaging in activities that bring joy into your life. This could include spending time outdoors, doing something creative, or taking time for yourself for self care activities such as Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra/Deep Rest or connecting with a Life Coach. With regular practice and a helping hand, these activities and can help reduce stress levels and make it easier for us to relax our minds and bodies, even during challenging times.
Self compassion can be an effective tool for reducing stress and feeling more relaxed. By becoming aware of how we speak to ourselves when we encounter difficulties or make mistakes; practicing kindness towards ourselves and engaging in activities that bring us joy, we can create positive habits which will lead us towards relaxation and improved mental wellbeing overall. So take some time today for yourself – treat yourself with compassion and kindness! You deserve it!
